Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school. varchar(128)
name Name of the school. varchar(128)
type Type of school ('ELEMENTARY', 'MIDDLE', 'HIGH', 'DISTRICT', 'OTHER', 'DEPARTMENT') enum
shortName Abreviated name (ex. Joseph A. Cook Elementary = Cook Elementary) varchar(20)
address1 Address of the school. varchar(60)
address2 Address of the school. varchar(60)
city City the school is located in. varchar(30)
state State the school is located in. varchar(30)
zip Zip-code of the school. varchar(12)
country Country the school is located in. see below varchar(30)
latitude Latitude of school location decimal(15,10)
longitude longitude of school location decimal(15,10)
phoneNumber 10 digit phone number for the school. (numbers only) varchar(128)
faxNumber 10 digit fax number for the school (numbers only) varchar(128)
emailAddress School's email varchar(128)
defaultLanguageID Language code used for all accounts at this organization without language codes varchar(10)
url School's website URL varchar(255)
schoolparentid Parent ID for Organizations varchar(128)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
studentid ID number of student varchar(128)
lastName Last name of student varchar(128)
firstName First name of student varchar(128)
middleName Middle name of student varchar(30)
preferredName Preferred name of student varchar(90)
webLoginID Desired account username for student login (must be unique) varchar(64)
password Desired password for student login varchar(60)
birthDate Birth date date
gender Gender ( 'M','F' ) enum
gradeLevel Grade level char(3)
gradYear Graduation Year smallint(6)
track Student's schedule track varchar(50)
preferredLanguage1ID Identification code for preferred language varchar(10)
address1 Line 1 of Student's Residential Address varchar(60)
address2 Line 2 of Student's Residential Address varchar(60)
city Student's city of residence varchar(30)
state Student's State of residence varchar(30)
zip Student's Residential Zip code varchar(12)
emailAddress1 Student's primary email varchar(128)
emailAddress2 Student's secondary email varchar(128)
smsNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
smsNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
phoneNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) *Receives 'primary' label varchar(30)
phoneNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) *Receives 'primary' label varchar(30)
homephoneNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
homephoneNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
workphoneNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
workphoneNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
mobilephoneNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
mobilephoneNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
otherphoneNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
otherphoneNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
studentid ID number of student varchar(128)
parentid ID number of parent varchar(128)
lastName Last name of parent varchar(128)
firstName First name of parent varchar(128)
middleName Middle name of parent varchar(30)
preferredName Preferred name of parent varchar(90)
title Parent title. Example: Dr. varchar(30)
webLoginID account username for parent login varchar(64)
password password for parent login varchar(60)
birthDate Birth date date
gender Gender ( 'M','F' ) enum
preferredLanguage1ID Identification code for preferred language varchar(10)
address1 Line 1 of parent's Residential Address varchar(60)
address2 Line 2 of parent's Residential Address varchar(60)
city Parent's city of residence varchar(30)
state Parent's State of residence varchar(30)
zip Parent's Residential Zip code varchar(12)
emailAddress1 Parent's primary email *at least one email address required if account should receive emails varchar(128)
emailAddress2 Parent's secondary email varchar(128)
smsNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
smsNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
phoneNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) *at least one phone required if account should receive calls. *Receives 'primary' label varchar(30)
phoneNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) *Receives 'primary' label varchar(30)
homephoneNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
homephoneNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
workphoneNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
workphoneNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
mobilephoneNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
mobilephoneNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
otherphoneNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
otherphoneNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
teacherid ID number of staff member varchar(128)
roleid Role type for role based security: District Administrator=3, School Administrator=4, Principal=6, Teacher=8, Staff=10 int(11)
lastName Last name of staff member varchar(128)
firstName First name of staff member varchar(128)
preferredName Preferred name of staff member varchar(90)
middleName Middle name of staff member varchar(30)
title Staff title. Example: Assistant Principal varchar(30)
webLoginID account name for staff login varchar(64)
password account password for staff login varchar(60)
ldapDn LDAP DN for authentication varchar(255)
hideFromDirectory Boolean ('TRUE','FALSE') enum
directoryEmailAddress Staff member's email to display in the App directory varchar(128)
replyToEmailAddress Staff member's email to recieve communication from parents and students varchar(128)
directoryPhoneNumber Staff member's phone number to display in the App directory varchar(128)
replyToPhoneNumber Staff member's phone Number to recieve communication from parents and students varchar(128)
birthDate Birth date date
gender Gender ( 'M','F' ) enum
preferredLanguage1ID Identification code for preferred language varchar(10)
address1 Line 1 of Staff member's Residential Address varchar(60)
address2 Line 2 of Staff member's Residential Address varchar(60)
city Staff member's city of residence varchar(30)
state Staff member's State of residence varchar(30)
zip Staff member's Residential Zip code varchar(12)
emailAddress1 Staff member's primary email *at least one email address required if account should receive emails varchar(128)
emailAddress2 Staff member's secondary email varchar(128)
smsNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
smsNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
phoneNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) *at least one phone required if account should receive calls. *Receives 'primary' label varchar(30)
phoneNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) *Receives 'primary' label varchar(30)
homephoneNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
homephoneNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
workphoneNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
workphoneNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
mobilephoneNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
mobilephoneNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
otherphoneNumber 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
otherphoneNumber2 10 digit phone number (numbers only) varchar(30)
Req Header Description Field type
language Human readable English language name * see below N\A
languageCode Language code corresponding to language varchar(128)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
studentid ID number of student varchar(128)
date Date of record date
category Reason code (absent, tardy, UA, X3, etc.) varchar(32)
description Description (absent, tardy, etc.) varchar(60)
sectionid The section id that the reason code is for. (used only for period based attendance calls but Section file must contain period information) varchar(128)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
studentid ID number of student varchar(128)
date Date of record (filtered to records where date of record = today's date) date
category Reason code (absent, tardy, UA, X3, etc.) varchar(32)
description Description (absent, tardy, etc.) varchar(60)
sectionid The section id that the reason code is for. (used only for period based attendance calls but Section file must contain period information) varchar(128)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
courseid Internal course ID number (unique at school level) varchar(64)
name Name of the course varchar(60)
subject Subject of the Course varchar(60)
description Description of the course text
credits Number of credits associated with the course float
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
sectionid internal section ID (unique at school level) varchar(128)
courseid Course ID number varchar(64)
period class period number varchar(10)
number Section number varchar(64)
teacherid ID number of the teacher who teaches this section varchar(20)
room classroom number varchar(5)
url class website url varchar(128)
termid ID # of the term varchar(32)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
studentid Student ID number varchar(128)
sectionid Section ID varchar(128)
startDate Term start date of section date
endDate Term end date of section date
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
termid Unique ID for the term varchar(64)
name Term name varchar(50)
startDate Start date of the term date
endDate End date of the term date
track Schedule track number varchar(50)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
studentid Student ID from student file varchar(128)
sectionid Section ID from section file varchar(128)
termid Term ID from term file varchar(64)
overallGrade Current class grade varchar(64)
percent Percent earned in class varchar(5)
points Total points earned in class varchar(6)
possible total points possible varchar(6)
comments Comments about overall grade varchar(90)
ratingID ID number of the Rating varchar(32)
ratingGroupID ID number of the Rating Group varchar(32)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
assignmentid Unique ID for the assignment per section varchar(30)
sectionid Section ID from the section file varchar(128)
type Type of assignment varchar(60)
description Description of the assignment varchar(90)
notes Any notes varchar(90)
dueDate Due date date
assignedDate Date assigned date
possible Total possible score varchar(5)
weight Assignment's assigned grading weight in the class varchar(5)
url Assignment website URL varchar(90)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
assignmentid Unique ID for the assignment (from assignment file) varchar(3)
sectionid Section ID from the section file varchar(128)
studentid Student ID number varchar(128)
turnInDate Date turned in date
grade Grade varchar(64)
points Points varchar(5)
percent Percent varchar(5)
comments Teachers comments on assignment varchar(90)
missing Represents whether a file is missing or not. ( 'TRUE','FALSE' ) enum
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
studentid ID number of student varchar(128)
balance Student's total balance float
credit Student's total credits int(11)
mealType Type of Lunch payment schema (examples: Full, Free, or Reduced lunch) varchar(128)
paidUntilDate Date balance will reach 0 date
dueDate date balance is due date
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
studentid ID number of student varchar(128)
balance Library balance float
overdueCount Number of books that are overdue int(11)
dueDate Due date date
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
studentid ID number of student varchar(128)
libCatalogNum Catalog number of the book varchar(128)
isbn Book's ISBN varchar(20)
title Book title varchar(128)
dueDate Due date date
author Author name varchar(128)
replacementCost Cost to replace the book float
checkoutDate Check out date of the book date
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
studentid ID number of student varchar(128)
busid Unique ID for bus. varchar(128)
stopDescription Description of stop varchar(128)
routeDescription Description of route varchar(128)
pickUpTime Time for pick up varchar(20)
dropOffTime Time for drop off varchar(20)
routeNumber Route number varchar(128)
routeType Route type varchar(128)
address1 street address of stop * varchar(60)
city city where stop is located * varchar(30)
state state where stop is located * varchar(30)
zip zip code where stop resides * varchar(12)
longitude Latitude of bus stop location + decimal(15,10)
latitude longitude of bus stop location + decimal(15,10)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
groupdefinitionid ID number of of the group (groupDefID) varchar(30)
name Name of the group varchar(60)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(128)
accountid ID number of student varchar(128)
accounttype 'STUDENT','PARENT','TEACHER' enum
groupdefinitionid ID of the group that the student belongs to varchar(30)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(50)
sectionid internal section ID (unique at school level) varchar(128)
id ID number of Standard (unique at school level) varchar(32)
ratingGroupID ID number of the Rating Group varchar(32)
description Description of the Standard text
parentID Parent ID (if there is a parent Standard) varchar(32)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(50)
ratingGroupID ID number of the Rating Group varchar(32)
description Description of the Rating Group varchar(128)
name Name of the Rating Group varchar(128)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(50)
ratingGroupID ID number of the Rating Group varchar(32)
ratingID ID number of the Rating varchar(32)
abbreviation Abbreviation of the Rating varchar(6)
name Name of the Standard Rating varchar(128)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(50)
studentid ID number of the Student varchar(40)
sectionid ID number of the Section ID number of the Section
termid ID number of the Term varchar(64)
standardID ID number of the Standard varchar(32)
ratingID ID number of the Rating varchar(32)
Req Header Description Field type
organizationid ID number of school as listed in organization file. varchar(50)
studentid ID number of the Student varchar(40)
sectionid ID number of the Section varchar(128)
assignmentid ID number of the assignment varchar(30)
standardID ID number of Standard (unique at school level) varchar(32)
ratingID ID number of the Rating varchar(32)
comments Comments text

Replace all information that you would like to change